Google Celebrate Altina Schinasi’s 116th Birthday,Who Was Altina Schinasi

Google Doodle Celebrate Altina Schinasi’s 116th Birthday Iconic cat-eye Frames Inventor Altina Schinasi was a Jewish-American inventor, artist, designer, entrepreneur, and business woman in the early 20th century. She was most known for designing the Harlequin eyeglass frame today know as cat-eye frames.

Who Was Altina Schinasi

This sculptor artist was born to immigrant parents on 4 August 1907, in Manhattan, New York. Her mother was native to Salonica (back then in the Ottoman Empire) and her father was a Sephardic Jewish Turk.

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Altina Schinasi: Master mind behind “cat eyeglasses”

Google usually changes its Various Google Doodle in August, so you will be curious about what we are talking about. Yes, today we are going to describe the designer of trendy cat eyeglasses, Altina Schinasi, a well-known artist, inventor, designer, and entrepreneur.

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Let’s have a brief look at the life of Altina Schinasi.

Early Life and Family Heritage Altina Schinasi?

After graduating from high school, Altina moved to Paris for further studies in painting which ignited their passion for pursuing her art field.

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  • She grew up in New York and then attended Dana Hall School early in the 1920s. She was very active and associated with various clubs like the Athletic Association, Christian Association, Varsity Hockey Team, and College Club.
  • Her additional services included chairman of the French Club’s Decoration Committee, Class Historian, and the vice-president of her junior and senior classes.
  • Dana also mentioned that although she had many friends but felt isolated on the campus and tried to hide her identity as Jewish.

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  • According to Dana Hall School, after finishing her school moved to Paris with her sister.
  • In New York, she started her career as a window dresser for Fifth Avenue luxury storefronts.
  • At the same time, she was doing her Artcraft at the Art Students League of New York where instructors helped her a lot.

Why does Google celebrate?

Google looks different and displays a unique Google doodle on August celebrating the iconic lady Altina Svhina for honoring their work on the invention of cat eyeglasses.

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  • Altina Schinasi, a renowned designer of Harlequin eye frames, Google has created a unique logo along with the help of her son Terry Sanders to showcase her iconic design.

Who invented cat-eye glasses?

According to Google, she was observing the window display of a nearby optician’s office, where she found that women have only the choice of wearing rounded glasses having mundane designs.

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  • This observation led to the invention of Schinasi’s unique trendy cat eyeglasses. She further observed trying to mimic Harlequin masks, people were wearing during the Carnival Festival in Italy.
  • She started making demos of paper and reached toward execution. But the manufacturers completely rejected her invention.

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  • Then she moved to the local shop owner, as the owner trusted her design and Harlequin Glasses quickly became successful after a short period. This helped Schinasi gain publicity a lot, and by the 1930s and 1940s era, these glasses became a must-fashion accessory among U.S women.
  • Because of this, Altina was bestowed the Lord & Taylor American Designer Award in 1939 for her amazing invention, and famous magazines like Life and Vogue also appreciated her unique creation.

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  • Her achievements continued and the New York Times reported that she moved to Los Angeles where she became a filmmaker. She produced different documentaries, continued her art craft voluntarily

How many times was Altina Schinasi married?

Schinasi was married four times;

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  • First time to architect Morris Sanders
  • Second to Viennese doctor Eric Barrett,
  • Third to political scientist Charles Carey, and
  • Finally Cuban artist Celestino “Tino” Miranda.
  • She had a strong bonding and connection with her two sons, Denis and Terry Sanders.

How old was Altina Schinasi when she died?

Schinasi passed away on 19 Aug 1999 at the age of 92  in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her legacy as a compassionate artist and humanitarian role will be remembered and continue to inspire generations.

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Altina Schinasi, a not merely a name but itself a legacy that is continuously inspiring and living all the time. Cat eyeglasses are loved everywhere, ubiquitous, and still loved and popular worldwide.

For almost 100 years, Altina’s trendy cat eyeglasses continued its influence in the fashion industry worldwide.

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